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Coaching Designed for You

Power Your Performance in These Focus Areas

Build these essential leadership skills using our proven tools & processes starting with the Activating Language® framework and the Advancing Questions® process:

Have questions for Wingspan?

We're happy to help you sort through the options by answering some common questions on Wingspan Performance coaching

What happens during a typical session?

In Team or Group Sessions, your advisor will cover tools and content based on a pre-coordinated plan, and also address real time challenges that each individual brings.  Participants share how they are applying tools like Activating Language® and Advancing Questions® in their daily work, and bring their learning to the conversation.  Recurring sessions provide real time support and an opportunity to refine your practice in different situations.

In Individual Sessions, you will deep dive into your current goals and challenges. Your Wingspan Advisor will bring the most relevant tools for you, and provide targeted support along the way.

What’s the difference between Group and Team Coaching?

Team coaching is for a team of employees or leaders from one business, and are especially effective at strengthening cross department awareness and collaboration.  Team Coaching is also effective when discussing sensitive business situations, and wanting to keep the conversation “in house”.

Group Coaching is a group of participants from multiple companies.  Participants gain the benefit of exposure to different businesses and fellow participants’ backgrounds.  Since all leaders work with people, it is often reassuring to learn that the issues they are tackling are shared by people from other businesses and industries.

My team primarily operates virtually or in a hybrid setup…what are our options?

All of our coaching can be provided virtually, using Zoom or the video conferencing solution already available to your company.  We’ve supported leaders around the world using video sessions for over 10 years, and are experienced and effective in providing coaching through these platforms.