Powerful performance

Personal Contribution Process® Methodology

A powerful way to identify and strengthen your part of the equation in any situation.

You are continually contributing to your team’s performance–both wanted and unwanted–through your own personal leadership performance.  This means you’re unknowingly or unintentionally contributing to performance issues you’re frustrated about. By using the Personal Contribution Process® methodology, each person will exercise a powerful and repeatable process to clarify their contribution, identify what they really want or expect, and then change their part to transform the team’s performance.

Clients say:  “Amazing framework for addressing problems!”

Expectations & Accountability

Getting Others to Do Their Part

Getting others to do their part is one of the frustrations leaders find most exhausting.  We’ve often been taught to be nice, be a “good team player,” except that mindset is exactly part of the problem!

Using select tools from the Wingspan Performance System™, this workshop provides a solid process for team members to work through holding others accountable…direct reports, peers, and their managers.  This is especially effective for teams that regularly work with a mix of internal and external partners, and want to create higher overall performance.

Effective Communication

From Confusion to Clarity

Interpersonal communication is THE most essential tool in helping individuals and teams share ideas, accomplish goals, and tackle challenges. Almost everyone accidentally creates confusion by using lazy language that distorts their message and scrambles the guidance they want to provide. This workshop focuses on recognizing unproductive habits and patterns, identifying the costs and impacts, and practicing new ways of using Activating Language® as a precision tool and Advancing Questions® as a power tool.

Crucial Leadership Skills

Every team has different challenges at different times. To help your team excel, here are some other topics we cover. Each workshop will include role playing, working through specific situations that apply to the whole group, and reference materials to support ongoing practice. If you don't see what you're looking for, lets talk!

First, let's chat...

Schedule a Free Zoom Consultation

In this consult, we will:

  • discuss your performance objectives & challenges
  • exchange questions & expectations
  • share a brief overview of Wingspan services