Power Your Performance Blog


Bubble Wrap – The Noisy Killer

How much time and energy are you wasting every single week because people aren’t listening to you? Learn how to effectively influence others so you can achieve the business results you desire. Rev up your skills with our free Jump Start course and accelerate your results!


Autopilot Versus Activating Language®

Language is instrumental in how we are performing interpersonally as well as intrapersonally. It's not just the language that we're using with others. Most importantly, it's the language we're using with ourselves.


Good Answers vs Fast Answers

Fast answers may bite you in the rear end! We’ve been taught since we were young to have the answer. A lot of people have created a career based on having answers, and they usually are rewarded for having those answers quickly. 


#1 of 8 Surprising Habits Blocking Your Influence

You're influencing the people around you 100% of the time. Yet, how often is your influence intentional vs. accidental? Leaders operate in Autopilot a surprising amount of the time, which means you have habits or tendencies that hamstring effective influence.


When to Define Why

Leaders are often told to "explain the why" behind a task. That *may* be a good choice, and there will be reasons to go further and times not to explain "why" at all.


3 Steps to Better Listening

Oftentimes people will want to be better listeners and they aren't sure how. Here are 3 quick tips on how to listen more fully and be more focused during a conversation.


Winning More Arguments

Want to know our secret steps to winning more arguments, at work or home? Give these six steps a shot and see if you don't walk away happier with the outcome!


Reducing Traffic Inputs

This article is purely about what you allow INTO your mind as you are working, not about how to handle the list of tasks that you have to do.